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Setting A Realistic Budget

When I decided to budget a little more carefully, I had no idea how difficult it would be. Fortunately, I was able to talk with a few financial advisors who were able to point me in the right direction. One of the best pieces of advice I received was about setting a realistic budget. I learned how to effectively manage my money, so that I didn't have to worry about paying my bills or letting my accounts overdraft. This blog is designed to help people like me who have previously struggled with money. Check out these articles for financial advice that might help you to set a realistic budget.

Setting A Realistic Budget

3 Things To Know About GPS Monitoring And Bail

by Leo Austin

Some people need to wear home monitoring devices, such as GPS ankle trackers, when they are out on bail. These devices ensure that people stick to the house arrest and lifestyle rules they have to follow before their cases go to court by monitoring and reporting on their activity.

What do you need to know about home monitoring?

1. You Might Need a Monitor to Make Bail

Some judges only award bail to some defendants if they agree to wear GPS monitoring devices. For example, they might set this condition if there is a high risk that someone will skip bail or won't stick to their release conditions on their own.

Monitors typically need to be approved and fitted before the defendant is released on bail. They then need to commit to wearing the device until their court case.

Some bail bondsmen also use these devices as part of their own bail agreements. If they think that someone is a high flight risk, then a tracking device makes it easier and more cost-effective to find them if they do run.

2. Your Bail Costs Might Be Lower  

While home monitoring might feel intrusive, it does have some benefits for defendants. For a start, they get out of jail; however, they might also get lower bail costs. This is especially useful for people who will struggle to meet bail or who have to pay higher amounts.

If someone offers to wear a home monitoring device voluntarily, then a judge might reduce their bail. The court knows that the defendant will be at a lower risk if they are independently monitored. So, they don't have to use a high amount of bail as a deterrent.

3. Your Bail Bondsman Can Help Manage the Process

While a court-ruled home monitoring system is usually managed by an appointed team rather than a bail bondsman, bonding companies still have a useful role in this process.

Defendants who are required to wear a monitoring device or who volunteer to wear one will have to go through an assessment process before they can leave jail and have the tracker fitted. They can't get bail and go home until they get into this system. If the monitoring service is busy, then this can take time.

A bail bondsman can speed up this process. They can represent defendants and lobby on their behalf so that they get a faster fitting and a sooner release.

To find out more, contact home monitoring bail bonds posting companies.
